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Gophers serve as the convention's swift messengers. Whether it's a small item or nugget of information needing delivery, these agile helpers are on the job. Their duties typically consist of rapid, short-term tasks, requiring nimbleness and adaptability from team members.

The Convention Response Team (CRT)
The Convention Response Team (CRT) plays a versatile role in managing various aspects of the convention. They assist in maintaining orderly queues and facilitating movement between locations. Additionally, CRT members conduct patrols to uphold safety standards and address any violations of the Code of Conduct (CoC) or Terms of Service (ToS), serving as the emergency response team when needed. Strong problem-solving abilities and the capacity to remain composed in diverse circumstances are invaluable assets within this department.

The Convention Dispatcher serves as a vital link in the operational efficiency and coordination of activities during the convention. Working closely with various departments and personnel, the dispatcher ensures seamless communication and timely responses to all requests and incidents.


Social Media
The Social Media Team manages platforms like Twitter, Telegram, and potentially other social media channels. They serve as the convention's digital ambassadors, staying attuned to the community's sentiments and often detecting issues before they're brought to the attention of convention staff. For instance, they may notice concerns aired on Twitter before they're directly communicated to staff. Their primary focus is on promoting the convention and increasing public awareness.

The DesignTeam is responsible for crafting all the visual assets utilized by the convention. This encompasses a wide range of creations, including posters, signage, artwork for social media, and illustrations featured in the convention's guidebook. They also design merchandise like T-shirts, pins, and more. This creative work is typically completed well in advance of the convention, often months ahead.

The Theme and Decorating Team leverages the art assets provided by the Art Team while infusing their own creativity to realize the convention's theme. Their role is to breathe life into the theme by hosting treasure hunts and crafting themed decorations, enhancing the overall experience for attendees.



Registration serves as the initial point of contact for many attendees, facilitating the check-in process and providing essential services. Team members are responsible for registering attendees, collecting payments, and issuing badges. As the primary interface for inquiries about the registration system, strong customer service and computer skills are imperative for this role.

Con Store 
The Con Store operates within the Dealer’s Den, offering a variety of convention-related merchandise. Staff members at the Con Store are tasked with maintaining inventory levels, processing sales transactions, and providing excellent customer service. Given its central location and association with the Dealer’s Den, the Con Store receives numerous inquiries and questions from attendees, emphasizing the importance of strong interpersonal skills for its team members

Dealer's Den
The Dealer’s Den stands as the foremost non-event highlight for many furry conventions, serving as a bustling marketplace where vendors showcase and sell a diverse array of products. From artwork to pins, magnets, and fursuits, the Dealer’s Den offers a plethora of merchandise. The dedicated team ensures both vendors and attendees have a pleasant experience by facilitating smooth navigation through the aisles and providing assistance to vendors as needed.

The Charity Team collaborates closely with the charity contact to help with scheduling panels, facilitate donations, and promote awareness of the charity's mission. The Charity Team members play a crucial role in extending the charity's presence throughout the convention space.


Event Team

The Event Team contributes to constructing and managing the event schedule pre-convention. During the event, team members assist in setting up panels rooms and events, ensuring everything is prepared and operational. They also track attendance for each event, ensuring smooth facilitation.

Dance Coordinator
The Dance Coordinator is responsible for managing all dance events. Before the convention, team members ensure dancers' music meets standards (PG-rated, correctly formatted, and uploaded to the convention database)  and coordinate with judges. They schedule DJs for the nightly dances as well. During the event, they support dancers by checking in, aiding the Master of Ceremonies, guiding participants through the competition process, and being prepared to handle any emergencies that may arise.

Game Room 
The game room is a popular attraction for attendees, catering to both tabletop and console gamers alike. Members of the gaming team are responsible for the upkeep of the game room, ensuring cleanliness and the safety of equipment. They oversee various tournaments and facilitate the rotation of games as necessary.

Concierge Team
This team helps with any needs our Emerald tier of reg attendees need. From checking in for registration, special behind the scenes tour, reserving seats for any panel room and assisting with any questions with early booking of hotel rooms.


Audio-Visual (AV)

The Audio-Visual team, often known as AV, plays a crucial role in handling the technical aspects of the convention. They are responsible for setting up, operating, and dismantling audio, lighting, and video across multiple stages and panel rooms. This department demands a strong affinity for technology, with team members expected to be proficient in computer systems and electronics. While industry experience is valued, a willingness to learn is equally important for those eager to join this tech-savvy team.

Information Technology (IT)
The IT team plays a crucial role in configuring and maintaining the computer and electronic systems utilized during the convention. They oversee the setup of servers and databases essential for the event's operations. Additionally, IT professionals develop and manage behind-the-scenes computer processes utilized throughout the convention and by Foxx Industries. Proficiency in networking and computer systems is essential for IT team members.

The Website Team employs web-building modules and incorporates art assets crafted by the Art Team to breathe vitality into the convention webpage. This webpage serves as the primary platform for disseminating information to the public and addressing numerous inquiries regarding the convention.

Photographers play a crucial role for many fursuiters at the convention. They may have designated hours at the photobooth, cover special events, or roam the convention space capturing moments. Their duties include editing photos and ensuring top-notch quality.

Other Departments

Chief of Staff

As the Chief of Staff, your role encompasses a diverse set of responsibilities crucial to the smooth functioning of the organization. You oversee the hiring process for staff, ensuring the recruitment of talented individuals who align with the organization's goals. Communication is a cornerstone of your role, as you work to facilitate seamless interactions and foster collaboration among various departments and individuals within the organization. You serve as a trusted advisor to top-tier executives, offering support and guidance to department heads. Additionally, you spearhead initiatives aimed at enhancing staff performance, promoting professional development, and fostering a supportive community within the organization. Your multi-faceted expertise and leadership skills are essential in driving the organization forward and achieving its objectives.

Guest Relations
This department serves as the vital link between the convention and its esteemed Guests of Honor. Comprising part personal assistant, part coordinator, and part troubleshooter, these team members ensure that the Guests of Honor have a memorable experience and can fulfill their agreed-upon commitments.

Staff Help Desk
As a Staff Help Desk representative in the Human Resources department, you'll play a vital role in assisting our staff with various inquiries, such as benefits, policies, and procedures. Additionally, you'll manage check-ins and check-outs for Staff, ensuring accurate records and a smooth process. Excellent communication skills, a friendly demeanor, and attention to detail are key attributes for success in this position.